In hospice, a licensed medical social worker (LMSW) has special training in end-of-life care. Hospice social workers may help a family fill out medical paperwork, or arrange homemaker services for a hospice patient and spouse living alone. A social worker will know of community services patients and families can tap into. Social workers love to get families members in touch, arrange an outing for a patient or throw a party for someone who needs more than just medical attention.

How Can a Hospice Social Worker Help a Patient and Family?
-Assist with preparing forms for an advance directive, do not resuscitate (DNR) order or a physician order for life-sustaining treatment (POLST).
-Contact organizations that offer resources you and your family could benefit from, such as Meals-on-Wheels or Life Alert®.
-Assist in filling out and filing insurance, Medicare and Medicaid paperwork.
-Guide your family in making major healthcare decisions about your loved one.
-Find local counseling services and support groups for family members.
-Coordinate emotional and spiritual support for you and/or your loved one.
-Help with funeral planning.
-Assist in filling out paperwork required after death occurs.

People ask if hospice work is depressing. Any team member will tell you hospice work is a privilege, and it's uplifting work. For social workers especially, the emphasis is on life.